The Complete 4-Week ...
Beginner's Workout Program


In the realm of fitness, three-month workout programs dominate the landscape. You’ve even seen plenty of them in our magazine over the years. Are they effective? Absolutely. But we’re going to let you in on an interesting secret: It doesn’t necessarily take 8 or 12 weeks to get your feet wet in the gym. Not that you’ll be a seasoned vet after four weeks, but if you can just get that first month under your belt, you’ll get yourself over the proverbial hump, where so many fail and give up, and set the stage for a lifetime of muscle gains.

Let’s just call this the accelerated beginner’s guide to bodybuilding. In this plan, your first month of training will be demanding, but not so demanding as to cause injury (or worse yet, burnout), and progressive in the sense that each week you’ll graduate to different exercises, higher volume, more intensity or all of the above. After four weeks you’ll not only be ready for the next challenge but you’ll have built a significant amount of quality muscle. In other words, one month from now you’ll look significantly better with your shirt off than you look now. (How’s that for results?)

This program isn’t just for the true beginner who has never touched a weight before; it’s also suitable for anyone who has taken an extended leave of absence from training. How long has it been since you went to the gym regularly? Six months? A year? Five years? No worries: The following routines will get you back on track in—you guessed it—just four short weeks. Let’s get to work.


Week 1: Full-body split
Week 2: Two-day split: Upper body/Lower body
Week 3: Three-day split: Push/Pull/Legs
Week 4:Four-day split: Full body


Shock your muscle into growth by rotating this workout with your current routine. This workout hits each major muscle group twice per week.

Shock your muscle into growth by rotating this workout with your current routine. This workout hits each major muscle group twice per week. Monday is chest/triceps/shoulders, Tuesday is back/biceps, Wednesday heavy leg routine, Thursday is chest/triceps/shoulders and Friday is back/biceps. This workout is ideal for people stuck on a plateau. The change in routine will shock your muscles and when you change back to your original program your muscles will be shocked again.

Main Goal: Build Muscle
Workout Type Split
Training Level Intermediate
Program Duration 6 weeks
Days Per Week 5
Time per Workout 45 minutes
Equipment Required Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines
Recommended Supps Protein Powder,Creatine,BCAAs,Pre-Workout